Report Page

This section discusses the Report page, which is the heart of the user interface (see Figures 1 and 2).  This is the first page to appear when the application is started, and is displayed when the user clicks on the Report tab in the Main Frame Window's notebook.  The view may be empty, indicating that no trace file currently is loaded (Figure 1).

Figure 1.  The Report Page immediately after initialization (no trace file loaded)

Once a user loads a trace file via the File - Open dialog, the Report page's contents are updated with trace file data, as depicted in Figure 2.

Figure 2.  The Report Page with a trace file loaded

This page displays three views simultaneously, separated from one another by adjustable splitters.  The user may drag any of these splitters to change the proportion of the screen which each view consumes.  The report views are:

Note that the horizontal splitter contains small up and down arrow icons on its left side.  These may be used, respectively, to hide the Overview Report or to hide both the Detailed Interpretation and the Hex Dump reports.

Above the Overview Report is a toolbar, which is used to manipulate the format and contents of the Overview Report.  Please refer to the Overview Report - Report Toolbar section for details.

The toolbar which appears at the bottom of the Main Frame Window in the above figures technically is not part of the the Report Page, since it remains in view when a different page in the notebook is selected.  For information regarding this toolbar, please refer to the Global Toolbar section.

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