Customizing Reports

A report template is a tool which may be configured by the user to display whatever data is of interest in the Trace Analyzer's Overview Report.  This section describes how report templates are created, edited, and deleted in the Trace Analyzer.

Report Configuration Interface

Report templates are managed through the Columns page in the Configuration Dialog Window, accessed via the  Configure - Report Columns action in the Global Toolbar or the Main Menu.  This interface is depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1.  Report Configuration user interface

This interface consists a number of related components which are used to configure report templates.  These components are organized conceptually as follows:

Each grouping is described in detail below.

Report Configuration Toolbar

A toolbar is located at the top of the Columns page, just below the notebook tabs.  This toolbar provides controls to perform the actions described in Table 1.

Action Description
Create New Template Prompts the user for a report template name and creates a new template containing no columns initially.  Template name must be unique.  The new template is displayed and is ready for editing.
Clone Current Template Prompts the user for a report template name and creates a copy of the currently displayed report template which uses the new name.  Template name must be unique.  The template copy is displayed and is ready for editing.
Rename Current Template Prompts the user for a report template name and applies the new name to the currently displayed report template.  Template name must be unique.
Delete Current Template Prompts the user for confirmation, then permanently deletes the currently displayed report template.
Add Column Adds a column to the end of the currently displayed report template.  The new column's data source is the protocol field currently highlighted in the Available Protocols component.  The column's properties default to values provided by that protocol field.
Delete Selected Column Deletes the column currently highlighted in the Sample Report View.
Delete All Columns Clears the currently displayed report template by deleting all of its columns.
Table 1.  Report Configuration Toolbar actions

Report Attribute Components

This component grouping consists of the following user interface controls:

Sample Report View

The Sample Report View is a table component (see Figure 1) which provides a visual preview of the current report template's layout.  Its display is somewhat different from that of the actual Overview Report, however, in that it does not present actual data, and always includes hidden columns.  As columns are added, removed, or edited through the other components on the Columns page, this view is refreshed dynamically.

The report template may be manipulated using this view as follows:

Note that this view does not contain the Mark column which appears in the Overview Report.  This column is not an attribute of a report template;  rather, it is added to every report template by the Overview Report component to provide bookmarking functionality.

Column Attribute Components

A group of related components enable the properties of the currently selected column to be edited.  This group consists of the Column Properties panel and three Protocol Browser views.

Two types of report columns may be defined for a report template:

Field Data Column
This type of column is used to display the data extracted from a specific protocol field, such as a network address, a TCP port number, or a timestamp, for example.  A typical report template consists of multiple field data columns.
Summary Interpretation Column
This type of column is used to present a brief summary of the data in the current trace record.  The summary is comprised of information contained in the innermost protocol decoded by the Trace Analyzer for the current record.  There may be at most one such column per report template.  This summary is defined at the time the protocol definition is created, and may not be changed by the user.

Column Properties

As a column is added to the template or is selected for editing in the Sample Report View, its attributes are displayed in the Column Properties panel.  This panel presents a table, in which each row represents a different attribute of the report column.  An example of this table is depicted in Figure 2.

Figure 2.  Column Properties panel view

The properties of the selected report column may be edited from this view.  The properties are defined in Table 2.

Property Name Meaning How to Edit
Heading text Text which appears in column header. Click on Value cell for this row and type new text value.
Column width Width of the column in pixels. Click on Value cell for this row and type new width value;  or
Drag right edge of column header in Sample Report View.
Heading color Color applied to the column header. Select checkbox in Override default heading color row if not already selected;  click button which appears in this row's Value cell;  select a color from the color selection dialog window which appears.
Show interpreted data Toggle between raw vs. interpreted data display mode for the column. Select/deselect checkbox in Value cell.
Hide column Marking a column as hidden ensures that column is only displayed when Show Hidden Columns is enabled in Overview Report. Select/deselect checkbox in Value cell.
Format clause* Override the default format clause of the primary data source for this column with the format clause specified. Click on Value cell for this row and type new format clause;  remove current value to use default format clause for primary data source.
Primary source* Defines the protocol group or field which will first be checked for data to display in this column;  if not present, the alternate source(s), if any, will be checked. Edit current primary source.  Click on Value cell for this row and type the fully qualified protocol field ID for the new protocol group or field to be used as the primary data source for this column.
Remove the current primary source.  Click on Value cell for this row and remove all text from the Value cell for this row;  the next alternate source becomes the primary source. Note:  this action is only permitted if an alternate source has been defined.
Alternate source n* Defines the protocol group or field which will be checked for data to display in this column, if the primary source returned no data.  There may be zero or more alternate data sources;  they are checked for data in the order defined here.  Add a new alternate source.  Click on the button appearing in the Value cell in the Add alternate source row.  The protocol field ID appearing on the button represents the protocol group or field which will be added as an alternate source.  This ID changes as different protocol fields are selected in the Protocol Layout Tree component.
Remove an alternate source.  Click on Value cell for this row and remove current value.
Change an alternate source.  Click on Value cell for this row and edit current value.  The new value must be a valid, fully qualified protocol field ID.
Table 2.  Column Properties

Protocol Browser Components

The Protocol Browser components in the Available Protocols and the Selected Protocol Field Details areas (see Figure 1) are used by the Report Configuration interface to permit the assignment of protocol fields as data sources for Field Data columns.  A protocol field can be added as a data source to a report column in one of the following ways.  See the Browsing Protocol Definitions section for a detailed description of the three related Protocol Browser components.

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