NOTE: the product described in this section is no longer generally available, but can be
made available on an as-is, exception basis for customers still supporting a legacy OS/2
install base. Please
contact Golden Code Development.
Promotional materials referencing this product may contain out-of-date information.
Network Trace for OS/2® is software designed to reduce the cost of
ownership of your OS/2 network. It enables any OS/2 machine on
your network to capture all network traffic to a file for later
analysis. Network Trace makes it easy to gather traces, whether
on your local segment, or on the most remote segment of your WAN.
You can now have the benefit of a hardware network probe on each of
your network segments, but with a software-only implementation.
You leverage the hardware you already have, and the software is
deployed easily through standard software distribution.
What's New in Version 1.1?
Version 1.1 of Network Trace for OS/2, released June 9, 2000 was
specifically designed to address the needs of customers with very high
network traffic conditions. Numerous enhancements have been made to
improve the product's usability, versatility, and performance. The most
notable include:
- Service Mode. This mode of operation was
added to address the needs of clients with:
- network segments with very heavy traffic
- integrated Network Trace installations on Ethernet
Service Mode leverages a new architecture, allowing much higher
performance than the product's original design, now termed
"Protocol" Mode. The result is the virtual elimination of frame
loss, even during very high network utilization. In addition, this
architecture allows Ethernet frames outbound from a tracing machine
to be captured, removing a critical limitation of the original
- Additional Tested Hardware. The new IBM 16/4
Token-Ring CardBus Adapter has been added to the list of tested
network hardware. With this addition, Network Trace for OS/2 can be
used to take promiscuous traces of Token-Ring networks from a
notebook computer.
- New and Improved Diagnostic Tools. The
product's suite of diagnostic utilities has been expanded and
improved to offer better assistance in planning, configuration, and
- Enhanced Message Handling. All error and
status messages have been updated for greater clarity and precision.
- Expanded Documentation. The online User
Manual and Technical Reference has been reorganized and expanded to
provide more comprehensive and complete information for planning,
installation, configuration, usage, and problem determination.
Numerous tips and techniques for managing challenging tracing
situations have been added.
- Full Support for IBM LAN Systems NDIS
a PDF Brochure