Summary Page

This section describes the Summary page, which is reached by clicking the Summary tab in the Main Frame Window's notebook.

The purpose of this page is to display summary information about the currently loaded trace file.  Summary information is data which is not associated with any individual trace record, but with the trace as a whole.  An example of the Summary page is depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1.  Sample Summary Page view (Kernel Trace for OS/2 v1.1 file)

This page always indicates the following trace file statistics:

Beyond these data, the information presented by the Summary page differs by the type of trace file currently loaded.  This is a function of the I/O plug-in used to read a particular file format.  For instance, Figure 1 depicts information extracted from a Kernel Trace for OS/2 version 1.1 trace file.  By contrast, Figure 2 depicts information extracted from an uncompressed Sniffer-format trace file.

Figure 2.  Sample Summary Page view (uncompressed Sniffer file)

The data displayed by this page are refreshed automatically when a new trace file is loaded, immediately after the records have been indexed.

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