JTA (product subdirectory) | +--config (configuration files) | +--docs (user documentation) | | | +--content (primary content for documentation) | +--license (license agreement and key file) | +--logs (reserved for log files) | +--protocol (protocol definitions)
This directory structure must not be rearranged or altered. The Trace Analyzer program relies upon this layout to function properly.
TraceAnalyzer.jar | JAR archive file containing Trace Analyzer program classes and supporting data files. |
jh.jar | JAR archive file containing JavaHelp classes. |
config/config.xml | Configuration file used to make global settings persistent across program sessions. |
config/filter.xml | Configuration file containing data filter definitions. |
config/generic.xml | Configuration file containing symbolic name aliases. |
config/template.xml | Configuration file containing report template definitions. |
config/ioplugin.xml | Configuration file used to load I/O plug-in modules. |
docs/userman.html | Starting point for User Manual and Technical Reference, the content for which resides primarily in the docs/content subdirectory. |
license/license.html | Software Trial License Agreement or Software License Agreement(1). This document outlines the licensee's rights and the licensor's respective rights as they pertain to licensing of the Golden Code Trace Analyzer product. |
license/license.jta | License key file which permits the Trace Analyzer program to run and provides selective access to product functions. This file is digitally signed and may not be altered. |
protocol/*.sxml | Protocol defintion files which are loaded into the Trace Analyzer to enable protocol decoding. |