Command Line Syntax

The following syntax is used to launch the Trace Analyzer program from the command line.  Square brackets ([]) around a parameter or block of parameters indicates that parameter or block is optional, unless otherwise specified in the table below.
java -jar [INSTALL_PATH_WITHSEP]TraceAnalyzer.jar [INSTALL_PATH]
or, to verify license:
java -jar [INSTALL_PATH_WITHSEP]TraceAnalyzer.jar [INSTALL_PATH] -v
where the above parameters are defined in Table 1:
Parameter Required/Optional Description
INSTALL_PATH Required, unless
file resides in current directory
The directory in which the product was installed;  specifically, where the TraceAnalyzer.jar file resides.  In the example above, this would be x:\jta.  If the current directory were already x:\jta, then it is not necessary to specify this parameter, since the current directory is the default.
see INSTALL_PATH Same as INSTALL_PATH, except with the file separator character used by the underlying operating system appended.  This will be the backslash (\) character on OS/2 and Windows and the forward slash (/) character on Unix platforms.
-log:N Optional The severity level at which messages from the program are logged to the event log file.  The choices are:
  • 0 - All event logging is disabled.
  • 1 - Only error messages are logged (the default).
  • 2 - All error and status messages are logged.
  • 3 - All error, status, and debug messages are logged.
Optional Indicates the path and filename of the file in which logging information is to be recorded.  The default is analyzer.log, in a logs subdirectory, directly off INSTALL_PATH.  Note that the program expects this path to refer to an existing directory.
Optional Indicates the path and filename of a trace file which is to be opened immediately after the program has completed initialization.  If TRACEFILENAME contains whitespace, it must be enclosed in double quotes (").  If TRACEFILENAME represents an invalid file reference, no trace file is loaded.
Optional Indicates the name of a filter which should be applied immediately to the data extracted from TRACEFILENAME.  If FILTERNAME contains whitespace, it must be enclosed in double quotes (").  This parameter is ignored if the -tracefile option is not also specified or if it refers to an invalid filename.
Optional Indicates the name of a report  which should be applied immediately to the data extracted from TRACEFILENAME.  If REPORTNAME contains whitespace, it must be enclosed in double quotes (").  This parameter is ignored if the -tracefile option is not also specified or if it refers to an invalid filename.
-nowait Optional This option should be used if the Trace Analyzer is run in such a way that the console (i.e., command line window) from which it was launched is not visible or cannot accept keyboard input, or if the program is not launched from a console.  Without this option, if an unexpected error is encountered at runtime, a warning message is written to the console as the program is being closed.  The program will not exit until the user acknowledges the warning message by pressing a keyboard key.  This is done to ensure the user does not miss a potentially important warning.  Thus, if the console is unavailable or input is disabled, the program will not end normally, unless the -nowait option has been specified.  When this option is specified, and an unexpected error occurs at runtime, the warning notification is still issued when the program is closed, but no user intervention is required to permit the program to complete.
-v Required
(for license verification only)
Displays license verification information at the command line.  This option is mutually exclusive with all others;  if combined with other parameters, all others will be ignored.  When run with the -v parameter, the Trace Analyzer's graphical user interface is not displayed.
Table 1.  Command Line Parameters


The following examples assume that backslash (\) is the file separator character.  Unix users would need to replace the backslash characters with forward slash characters accordingly.
  1. If the program is installed in d:\jta, you could enter the following commands at the command line:
       > d:
       > cd \jta
       > java -jar TraceAnalyzer.jar
  2. Alternatively, assuming you store your trace files in a directory called g:\mytraces, you might enter the following commands to ensure that the Trace Analyzer began looking for trace files to open in g:\mytraces:
       > g:
       > cd \mytraces
       > java -jar d:\jta\TraceAnalyzer.jar d:\gc\jta
  3. To log all message types to a file called e:\logs\jta.log, you might use (note that e:\logs must already exist):
       > d:
       > cd \jta
       > java -jar TraceAnalyzer.jar -log:3 -logfile:e:\logs\jta.log
  4. To automatically load the trace file g:\mytraces\trace1.enc, and to immediately apply the filter "My Filter" to this data, and view it using the report "My Report":
       > d:
       > cd \jta
       > java -jar TraceAnalyzer.jar -tracefile:g:\mytraces\trace1.enc
                                     -filter:"My Filter"
                                     -report:"My Report"

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